Thursday, December 07, 2006

The National Geographic Channel's Naked Science: Was Darwin Wrong?

I'm only a little bit into this show and I'm seeing major problems.

Thus far, they are only considering Young Earth Creationism as the opponent to respond to. A shame really.

They also seem to be skipping over the biggest problem naturalistic evolution has. The minimal complexity which life requires to get off the ground in the first place.

They are about to tackle the problem with the irreducible complexity of the eye. I'll report back and see how they do.

UPDATE: Ok, I'm back. My thoughts on the show: "The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him." Proverbs 18:17

They did not present the best arguments of Darwin's opponents. They did present arguments against, but only in a cursory fashion. Without a cross-examination, their defense seems stronger than it is.

Still, I must reiterate that the biggest hurdle for Darwinian thought was side-stepped: getting life off the ground out of a pre-biotic soup.

Still, I must reiterate that the biggest hurdle for Darwinian thought was side-stepped: getting life off the ground out of a pre-biotic soup.

Who wudda thunk it? A strawman.

So, you don't know what evolution actually deals with, either, I see...
Feel free to explain how that comment is a strawman.
I think doppelganger is trying to exclude the origin of life from the term "evolution." But a naturalistic theory has to account for that, so I'm more than willing to throw it in.
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