Friday, November 11, 2005

Bush Asks Democrats to Stop Distorting History

I've been saying for a while now that Democrats, specifically their leadership, relies on short-term memory. They want you to forget that THE ENTIRE WORLD believed Iraq had WMDs and THEY BELIEVED IT AS WELL.

I don't want to question anyone's honesty. There are many things in life that can be chalked up to honest disagreements. But the whole Bush-lied crowd leaves me exasperated.

Let's separate the rank and file anti-Bush crowd. Their hatred of Bush clouds their intellectual faculties.

Democratic leadership doesn't want us to question their patriotism. And up to this point I have not. But when they blatantly disregard the truth in order to push a political agenda which hurts us in Iraq, our standing overseas, and how the rest of the world views us, what else am I to think?

Again, the rank and file anti-Bush people are just so ticked I don't any amount of facts will get through to them. But the Democrats in Congress should know better. In fact, they do know better because many of them authorized the war to begin with.

And for the rank and file who may read this post, could you please answer the following question: if Hussein didn't believe he had WMDs, why did he act like he did?

I think it is you that has the short memory. We would have never invaded Iraq if Bush and company had not pushed it to the extream. To use the argument that democrats favored the war is BS. Many of the democratic leaders did not have the balls to stand up to Bush at time. Although there were a few voices such as Dean who were against it. To say that this war was justified because some democrats said ok. If you could remember, At that time if you spoke out against Bush you were somehow un-american. Remember what happened to the dixie chicks. This is Bush's war, he choose to invade, there were other alternatives he chould have decided on. This single act has cost the US dearly in lives, money and reputation in the world view. What happend at the gas pump recently is what it's really all about and the massive amount of unaudited money that has flown into defense contractors hands, all of whom are Bush's buddys. Follow the money and you will find the real motovation to this war.
War is the ultimate sin.
The BS is the crap about the intelligence. That is different about agreeing/disagreeing about the war. Simply saying "Bush lied" is a lie itself or willful ignorance. And that's what I'm tired of. You can be against the war. Fine. But claiming lies about WMDs, etc., is the problem. That's rewriting history and is an obstacle to honest dialogue.
Oh, and I followed the money. It went from Saddam to France and Russia and bunch of people all over the world opposing the war.
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