Thursday, March 24, 2005

Progress in Iraq
Say theword mujahid- or holy warrior - these days and many inhabitants of Baghdad are likely to snigger.

An appellation once worn as a badge of pride by anti-American insurgents has now become street slang for homosexuals, after men claiming to be captured Islamist guerrillas confessed that they were holding gay orgies in the popular Iraqi TV programme Terror in the Hands of Justice.

Notice the following closely:
One long-bearded preacher known as Abu Tabarek recently confessed that guerrillas had usually held orgies in his mosques, secure in the knowledge that their status as holy warriors would win them forgiveness of their sins.

Someone once told me that the 9-11 hijackers weren't devout Muslims because they were drinking prior to their heinous acts. No. They are unregenerate sinners who believe they have a "get into heaven free" card. What do unregenerate sinners do with no fear? Whatever they want.

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