Sunday, March 20, 2005

Press Conference of American Thinker's Dreams
REPORTER: Mr. President, you say you're making progress in the Social Security debate. Yet private accounts, as the centerpiece of that plan, something you first campaigned on five years ago and laid before the American people, remains, according to every measure we have, poll after poll, unpopular with a majority of Americans. So the question is, do you feel that this is a point in the debate where it's incumbent upon you, and nobody else, to lay out a plan to the American people for how you actually keep Social Security solvent for the long-term?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Let me ask you a question. The Washington Post just released a poll that asked Americans “Would you support or oppose a plan in which people who chose to could invest some of their Social Security contributions in the stock market?” 56 percent said they would support such a plan, three percent had no opinion leaving 41 percent in opposition. In light of this, is your problem that you stop reading news after you hear what you want to believe, or is your education so substandard that you don’t know that 56 percent constitutes a majority?

REPORTER: Uh, Mr. President I…

PRESIDENT BUSH: Sit down. Next.

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