Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Boston Fans, Dare I Say It, Are Becoming Weird

I'm not exactly sure what T.O. ever did to rub Bostonians the wrong way, but they love mocking his own non-defamatory celebrations. I know of no other fans or players, besides Patriots fans, which act like this. It's mystifying to me. Not New York fans. Nor Philadelphia fans.

Honestly, at the end of defeating the Braves, I would do the Tomahawk Chop. But that would be it. It wouldn't go on for days. People wouldn't be doing it at the parade.

You would mock one or two times. That would be it. You would then begin cheering, banging pots and pans, honk the horns a few times, etc.

I think the cause of this is how long they spent being bitter about New York City success.

I hope when Philadelphia wins a championship they don't go soft in the head like Bostonians. Unless they are doing the Icky Shuffle. That's just plain fun.

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