Saturday, June 19, 2004

Hollywood and Christians

An article discusses whether it actually take courage to make satirize Christians in Hollywood. Answer: not really. Critiquing the pro-choice movement in Hollywood-- that would take courage.

It got me thinking. There are tons of examples of judgemental, hypocritcal, homicidal, or serial-killing Christians, many who "hear from God." There are generally two religious groups which get poor treatment. Evangelical Christians and the Roman Catholic hierarchy. You don't see too many faithful Roman Catholics getting the treatment in Hollywood.

Here is a list of movies that I can think of off of the top of my head: Carrie, Elmer Gantry, Shawshank Redemption, Fraility, the remake of Cape Fear, the Dead Zone (Stephen King keeps showing up), Chocolat, Stigmata, and some recent movie where the killer had a "strict Southern Baptist upbringing." Can't think of the movie off the top of my head.

I did notice in the TV version of the Dead Zone they've turned the bad guy politician who will cause nuclear war into a conservative who, horrors, wants to give you some of your money back.

Time for comments: can anyone think of other films that fit this mold? Sham faith healers not allowed.

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