Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Greeting From the People's Republic of New Jersey

My home state, New Jersey, long in the grips of trying to be everyone's nanny, has taken upon itself to take money from those making more than $500,000 and directly give it to the elderly and those making less than $200,000 in the form of lower property taxes.

I do not expect to make more than $500,000 in inflation-adjusted dollars. I don't desire to put in the type of hours which I would never get to see my wife and kids. So in light of that, I critique this based on fairness and justice. This is out and out stealing. Stone-cold state-sponsered stealing. "You don't need that money. So I'm going to give that money to someone who is more deserving."

It should horrify all of us that government is the business of determining how much of our own money is enough. And who is more worthy of receiving the fruits of our labor.

From studying the philosophy of the Founding Fathers, I am certain they would be horrified to know that we take the fruit of someone else's labors under the threat of force. Doing so in a envious way is just icing on the cake. We have made stealing virtuous because it helps politicians increase power over our lives, I mean, the poor.

Yes, envy. And covetousness. Assume for a second that a person making $600,000 doesn't need all that money. Mind your own business. What is it to you?

I have advise for rich New Jerseyans. Get out. Move to Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, or Conn. as soon as humanly possible.

It is very much like when they increase hotel taxes to pay for a new stadium. "That's just tourists, they don't live here."

The rich people, like tourists, "don't matter". You can pound on them all you like. Kind of like WASP's.

Thank you, Governor McGreedy.
That was me who posted the above.

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