Monday, June 07, 2004

Disagreeing Agreeably

One of the nice things about Reagan is that he did not take personal attacks personally. I was a liberal at that young age. I didn't care for Reagan and didn't appreciate him at the time.

Looking back at the era, I appreciate that most about Reagan. Now, it can't be "I disagree with the war in Iraq." It is instead "Bush lied."

It is something common in all of us to needlessly impugn the motives of our opponents. They can be wrong, but that doesn't mean they are evil. I genuinely believe that liberals mean well. That's why I can be friends with them, while simultaneously wishing they remain far, far away from power.

Wait, but those two idea's aren't mutually exclusive, and you're implying that they are. I can disagree with the war in Iraq, but it is simultaneously possible that Bush lied. I can agree with the war in Iraq, and it is still simultaneously possible that Bush lied. One has nothing to do with the other.

I mean to say "it can't just be."

Given Hussein's lack of cooperation with the U.N. since 1991 up to 2003, his prior use of WMD's on Kurds and Iranians, his known willingness to get WMDs, the Al Queda camp in Northern Iraq, the nerve gas audio clip that Powell played, his support for Palestinian terrorists, the general world consensus he had WMDs (this includes Kerry and the previous Clinton administration), and Tony Blair's support, I guess I just don't understand believing he lied over against he was wrong without further evidence.

But that is better than the tin-foil hat brigade which believes going to war was about oil.
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